Peter Jr. and Mark Jacksen began working at Wendelighting with thier grandfather, Eric Jacksen and father, Peter Jacksen Sr., both at the ages of 12 during their school vacations. They apprenticed in machining and assembling Wendel fixtures and assisted in installations of Wendel optical lighting systems.
Peter Jacksen Jr., became a master machinist at the early age of 16. Peter’s research, testing and development of optical lighting systems is a core asset for Wendelighting. Optical systems often deliver results never imagined. Peter excels in debugging and improving existing optical lighting systems. Peter’s true expertise lies in the understanding of manufacturing and what is required for designing and developing new optical lighting product. He is the backbone for Wendelighting’s research and development programs including the new Wenlux art lighting family of products. Peter has been Vice President of Wendelighting since 1980.
Mark Jacksen graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and received a Bachelor Degree in Landscape Architecture. Between 1980 and 1994, Mark worked for Peter Jacksen Sr., then President of Wendelighting. Mark established Mark Jacksen Illumination in 1994 providing lighting design consulting services for high end residential and commercial art lighting projects. After a decade of success in lighting design, Mark returned back to the family business in 2005 and became President of Wendelighting. Mark’s true expertise lies with the understanding of what is required for the illumination of art.
Peter and Mark combined have over 80 years of optical art lighting experience. Their understanding of, projector lighting limitations and potentials, project requirements, art and the unique installation techniques for illuminating art with optical lighting projectors maintains Wendelighting’s position as the industry leader trusted for over 75 years.
With dedication and determination, Peter and Mark have worked diligently to invent, manufacture and provide the best art lighting available today.